Chargeback Protection – Chargeback Fraud Disputes
The founders within our establishment come from strong corporate backgrounds with all the required expertise to help you eliminate fraudulent Chargebacks. Our success rate in recovering lost revenue is exceptional. We strive to support merchants, like yourself, in the prevention of unscrupulous consumers, devious scammers and business alike from obtaining YOUR hard-earned money.
The team’s interface consists of seasoned case workers who diligently gather vital evidence to reverse a consumer chargeback In the event we are unsuccessful the debt will be pursued direct with one of several law firms we have partnered with. This service is included within the package. Please see our terms and conditions for full details.
Our experts will guide through the process
Contact us with any questions or to discuss a No Win No Fee case.
Office hours Monday - Friday from 9am-5pm
0845 548 8888

Lady customer books in for a swanky new look, curls, colours the work then charges back 1 day later telling the bank they were not happy with the service! 366 won the case £105 refunded to the distraught hairdresser.

A busy balloon shop events company created a really complex wedding display .Client claims 1 balloon went down. (allegedly) not to the shop but to the bank! 366 won back £200.

This engineering shop fell afoul of a Porsche Customer who ran into debt during his engine rebuild owing £6000. He had 'disappeared' but we found him responding to us. Out of court settlement.

We do things very differently here owing our success to a broad spectrum of qualification and research investigators who will vehemently attack and defend any chargeback fraud claim right to the end. You would want the winning team to be on your side? Right? And that’s where we step in.
We work to tight deadlines as there is a time limit set by the card provider to challenge a chargeback dispute. Once we have all your information or if it incomplete, we will let you know that day. Let’s work together.

Our team’s competency ensures a thorough and aggressive process accepted by the card provider. So, once you are on board with us you can rest assure that every avenue is being explored whilst maintaining professionalism and complete confidentiality.
Your appointed case handler will be working behind the scenes to prepare your case which upon completion will be presented to you for approval. We will deal with all the facts, sometimes under pressure, never missing a deadline.


Court is the last place a debtor would want to find themselves but in the unlikely event that we have been unsuccessful, then the debtor faces the probability of a court hearing and a CCJ if the debt remains unsettled.
The co-founders have been successfully challenging banks and card providers for 7 years and it may surprise you to learn that we used to operate an entirely separate business for which payments were card not present transactions. This is how a chargeback occurs and we learned the hard way, including all the decipher codes the banks use until we became masters.

Is 366 right for me
Do you charge for consultations
What is expected of me
We want you to trust that we are solely here to assist you through the difficult times and aim to win your case. We expect you to come to us with any questions or concerns and be entirely honest and responsive so we can prepare you for any possible depositions.